
Chaired Symposia

Hildebrand, L.K. (accepted for October 2024). Understanding and addressing dis(advantage). Society for Experimental Social Psychology (SESP) Conference, Santa Fe, NM. Additional symposium speakers: Erika Hall, Mindy Truong, & Laura Wallace.

Hildebrand, L.K., & Kirby, T.A. (October 2023). Hidden motivations and consequences: Unexpected sources of threat and discrimination in organizations. Symposium presented at the Society for Experimental Social Psychology (SESP) Conference, Madison, WI. Additional symposium speakers: Kathryn Kroeper & Jordan Starck.

Hildebrand, L.K., & Monteith, M.J. (October 2022). Recent advances in bias reduction: Confrontation, social norm communication, and historical educational intervention. Symposium presented at the Society for Experimental Social Psychology (SESP) Conference, Philadelphia, PA. Additional symposium speakers: Kim Chaney, Sohad Murrar, & Allison Skinner-Dorkenoo.

Hildebrand, L.K., & Kroeper, K.M. (February 2021). Speaking out against prejudice: The many positive consequences of confronting. Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Conference, Symposium Co-Chair, Virtual. Additional symposium speakers: Kim Chaney, Elysia Vaccarino, & Ashley Weinberg. OSF

Oral Talks

Hildebrand, L.K., Chen, M., Kroeper, K., Jiang, T. Fujita, K., & Heckler, A. (accepted for October 2024). Trajectories of psychological vulnerability explain gender differences on STEM course performance. Society for Experimental Social Psychology (SESP) Conference, Oral Presentation, Santa Fe, NM.

Hildebrand, L.K., Kirby, T.A., Kung, F.Y.H., & Russell Pascual, N. (March 2024). The effect of diversity statements on organizational outcomes. Decision Sciences Collaborative Research Forum, Oral Presentation, Columbus, OH.

Hildebrand, L.K. (December 2023). Paths to Belonging: Understanding and mitigating identity-based obstacles. Social Psychology Colloquium, University of Kansas, Oral Presentation, Lawrence, KS.

Hildebrand, L.K., Kirby, T.A., Kung, F.Y.H., & Russell Pascual, N. (Accepted for October 2023 - cancelled due to emergency). Broadening the definition of diversity leads to deprioritization of traditionally-marginalized job applicants. Society for Experimental Social Psychology (SESP) Conference, Oral Presentation, Madison, WI.

Hildebrand, L.K., Monteith, M.J., & Arriaga, X.B. (October 2022). The role of trust in reducing confrontation-related social costs. Society for Experimental Social Psychology (SESP) Conference, Oral Presentation, Philadelphia, PA.

Hildebrand, L.K., Monteith, M.J., Hennes, E.P., Carter, E., & Lane, S.P. (April 2022). Promoting student inclusion: An evidence-based program for transforming college climate. Midwestern Psychological (MPA) Conference, Oral Presentation, Chicago, IL.

Hildebrand, L.K. (December 2021). Reducing bias in ourselves and others. Invited talk, University of Indianapolis Psychology Department, Indianapolis, IN.


Hildebrand, L.K., Monteith, M.J., & Cole, J. (April 2021). Motivated free speech endorsement among low- and high-prejudice individuals. Midwestern Psychological (MPA) Conference, Oral Presentation, Chicago, IL.


Hildebrand, L.K., Monteith, M.J., & Arriaga, X.B. (March 2021). Trust and the social costs of confronting bias. Purdue Social Psychology Colloquium, West Lafayette, IN.


Hildebrand, L.K., Jusuf, C.C., & Monteith, M.J. (September 2020). Ally confrontations as identity-safety cues for marginalized individuals. Purdue Social Psychology Colloquium, West Lafayette, IN.


Monteith, M.J., & Hildebrand, L.K. (October 2019). The yin and yang of interpersonal confrontation of prejudice. Society for Experimental Social Psychology (SESP) Conference, Oral Presentation, Toronto, Canada.


Hildebrand, L.K., Monteith, M.J., Carter, E.R., & Burns, M.D.  (June 2019).  Honey, sweetie, dear: Terms of endearment as an environmental cue to potential devaluation.  Weary Symposium on Diversity and Social Identity, Data Blitz, Columbus, OH.


Hildebrand, L.K., Carter, E.R., Burns, M.D., & Monteith, M.J. (April 2019). Supportive versus restrictive framing in racial bias confrontations.  Midwestern Psychological Association (MPA) Conference, Oral Presentation, Chicago, IL.   


Hildebrand, L.K., Monteith, M.J., & Carter, E.R.  (April 2018).  Honey, sweetie, dear: Terms of endearment as a cue to potential devaluation.  Midwestern Psychological Association (MPA) Conference, Oral Presentation, Chicago, IL.


Monteith, M.J., & Hildebrand, L.K.  (April 2018).  Clinton or Trump?  Sexism, perceptions of discrimination, and system justification in the 2016 election. Midwestern Psychological Association (MPA) Conference, Oral Presentation, Chicago, IL.  Invited Talk.


Hildebrand, L.K., Carter, E.R., & Monteith, M.J. (April 2017).  Honey, sweetie, dear: Terms of endearment as a manifestation of benevolent sexism.  Midwestern Psychological Association (MPA) Conference, Oral Presentation, Chicago, IL. 


Hildebrand, L.K., & Templeton, L. (April 2016).  Online self-presentation in social media: The effects on self-objectification, benevolent sexism, and self-perception.  Southwestern Psychological Association Conference, Oral Presentation, Dallas, TX.


Hildebrand, L.K., Monteith, M.J., & Arriaga, X. B. (February 2022). Confronted by close others versus strangers: The role of trust in confrontation-related social costs. Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Conference, Poster Presentation, San Francisco, CA.


Noland, E.S., Monteith, M.J., & Hildebrand, L.K. (accepted for April 2020 – cancelled due to COVID-19). The IAT experience.  Midwestern Psychological Association (MPA) Conference, Poster Presentation, Chicago, IL.


Hildebrand, L.K., Monteith, M.J., & Mallett, R.K. (February 2020). Reduced bias and interpersonal costs: Two independent confrontation processes. Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Conference, Poster Presentation, New Orleans, LA.


Murphy, R.R., Monteith, M.J., & Hildebrand, L.K. (June 2019). Disliked for confronting bias? Confrontations and longevity of social costs. Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) Conference, San Diego, CA. 


Jusuf, C., Hildebrand, L.K., & Monteith, M.J. (April 2019). Perceptions of ally confrontations.  Midwestern Psychological Association (MPA) Conference, Poster Presentation, Chicago, IL.


Hildebrand, L.K., & Monteith, M.J. (February 2019). The female threat: Reactions to increased representation of women in traditionally male-dominated domains. Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Conference, Poster Presentation, Portland, OR.


Hildebrand, L.K., & Monteith, M.J.  (March 2018). “Nothing against women”?: Sexism and the 2016 Presidential election.  Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Conference, Poster Presentation, Atlanta, GA. 


Hildebrand, L.K., & Templeton, L. (January 2016).  Online self-presentation in social media: The effects on self-objectification, benevolent sexism, and self-perception.  Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Conference, Poster Presentation, San Diego, CA.


Hildebrand, L.K., & Kennedy, L.A. (April 2015).  What I wish I hadn’t done: The effect of action, inaction, and counterfactual thinking on derived meaning.  Arkansas Symposium for Psychology Students, Poster Presentation, Conway, AR.