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*The first two authors are listed in alphabetical order, as they contributed equally.
† Denotes undergraduate student co-author.
Kroeper, K.M., Hildebrand, L.K., Jiang, T., Hernandez-Colmenares, A., Brown, K.†, Wilk, A.†, Spencer, S.J., Heckler, A.F., & Fujita, K. (2024). The recursive cycle of classroom mindset and psychological distress in college. Social Psychological and Personality Science. PDF
Hildebrand, L.K., Monteith, M.J., & Arriaga, X.B. (2024). The role of trust in reducing confrontation-related social costs. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Advance online publication. PDF
Hildebrand, L.K., Monteith, M.J., & Noland, E.S. (in press). Social cognition and the reduction of intergroup bias. In D.E Carlston, K. Johnson, & K. Hugenberg (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Social Cognition (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press. PDF
Kirby, T.A., Russell Pascual, N., & Hildebrand, L.K. (in press). The dilution of diversity: Ironic effects of broadening diversity. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. PDF
Hildebrand, L.K., Monteith, M J., Carter, E.R., & Burns, M.D. (2022). Honey, sweetie, dear: Terms of endearment communicate and reflect sexism. Sex Roles. PDF
Monteith, M.J., Mallett, R.K., & Hildebrand, L.K. (2022). Confronting intergroup biases: Validity and impugnment as determinants of other-confrontation consequences. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology. PDF
Hildebrand, L.K.*, Jusuf, C.C.*†, & Monteith, M.J. (2020). Ally confrontations as identity safety cues for marginalized individuals. European Journal of Social Psychology, 50, 1318-1333. PDF
Monteith, M.J., & Hildebrand, L.K. (2020). Sexism, perceived gender discrimination, and system justification in the 2016 Presidential election. Group Process and Intergroup Relations, 23, 163-178. PDF
Monteith, M.J., Burns, M.D., & Hildebrand, L.K. (2019). Navigating successful confrontations: What should I say and how should I say it?. In R.K. Mallett & M.J. Monteith (Eds.), Confronting Prejudice and Discrimination: The Science of Changing Minds and Behaviors (pp. 225-248). Academic Press. PDF
Manuscripts Under Review and In Prep
Drafts available upon request.
Under review
Le, P.Q., Hildebrand, L.K., Wallace, L.E., Berkman, E.T., & Fujita, K. (invited revision). Within-subjects replication on the influence of distance on construal level. Submitted to Social Psychological and Personality Science.
Monteith, M.J., Hildebrand, L.K., & Mallett, R.K. (under review). Social Costs of Bias Confrontation are Persistent but Independent of Bias Reduction. Submitted to Group Processes and Intergroup Relations.
In preparation
Hildebrand, L.K., Kirby, T.A., Kung, F.H., & Russell Pascual, N. (in prep). The effect of broad diversity statements on discriminatory hiring decisions. To be submitted to Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
Hildebrand, L.K., Kroeper, K.M., Chen, M., Jiang, T., Heckler, A.F., & Fujita, K. (in prep). The trajectory of psychological vulnerability in a STEM classroom: Implications for interventions. To be submitted to Journal of Educational Psychology.
Monteith, M.J., Hildebrand, L.K., Hennes, E.P., & Lane, S.P. (in prep). Improving diversity and inclusion among first-year college students: The efficacy of a theory-converging intervention.
Media Coverage
Kirby, T.A. (2023). “The dilution of diversity: Ironic effects of broadening diversity.” Duckcast [Podcast].
Hildebrand, L.K. (2023). “Want to call out someone for bias but fear the negative reactions? Trust helps.” Kudos [Invited post].
Hildebrand, L.K. (2022). “Honey, sweetie, dear”: More than mere niceties. Character and Context [Invited blog post].
Lutrell, A. (2022). “#67: Confronting prejudice with Margo Monteith.” Opinion Science [Podcast].
Ongoing Research
Hildebrand, L.K. Arriaga, X.B., & Edmonds, G. (in progress). Seeing beyond conflict: How anticipating a shared future reduces confrontation-related social costs. [Data analysis and writing ongoing].
Hildebrand, L.K., Noland, E.S., Monteith, M.J., & Li, A. (in progress). Public versus private bias confrontations. [Data analysis and writing ongoing].
Hildebrand, L.K., Monteith, M.J., & Cole, J†. (in progress). Motivated reasoning, prejudice justification, and free speech endorsement among low-prejudice people. [Data analysis and writing ongoing].
Noland, E.S., Monteith, M.J., Hildebrand, L.K., Devine, P.G. (in progress). The IAT as a tool for raising awareness of bias. [Data analysis and writing ongoing].
Hildebrand, L.K., Smoot, S.†, & Fujita, K. (in progress). How multiple-choice exam questions contribute to stereotype threat and inequality in STEM. [Data collection ongoing].
Hildebrand, L.K., Kroeper, K.M., Mahajan, R.† , & Fujita, K. (in progress). Bias confrontation as a self-control conflict. [Data collection ongoing].
Kroeper, K.M., & Hildebrand, L.K. (in progress). Experimental evidence examining how reactions to confrontation influence future decisions to confront. [Data collection ongoing].
Wang, A., Hildebrand, L.K., & Spencer, S. (in progress). The effect of culture on decisions to confront bias [Data collection ongoing].
† Denotes undergraduate student co-author.